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Podcasts & Media

Featuring BreakBox Coaching


Podcast’s Featuring BreakBox Coaching Founder Zachary Pike Gandara


Unveiling the Layers of Trauma, Healing, and Self-Discovery with Zachary Pike Gandara

Join us for a candid conversation with Zachary Pike, Self-Mastery Alchemist, Writer, Speaker, Coach, & Podcaster, as he explores the intricacies of healing and self-discovery. Zac shares personal experiences navigating the aftermath of leaving behind a religious community and facing religious trauma, as well as trauma from family. Delve into the journey of trauma resolution and integration, understanding the role of the ego in protecting against further harm, and knowing the importance of self-love. Gain insights into parts work and the importance of separating the false self from the authentic self on the path to healing and self-discovery. Additionally, the host and guest discuss the significance of overcoming binary thinking, examining judgments, and fostering self-compassion as essential components to understanding attachment styles.

Personal Evolution Requires COnstant Evolution

If you have ever tried any of the Personal Development tools and strategies, after using them for a while, you may have discovered that they stop working. This is by design. You have to constantly update your tools as you evolve.

And at some point you will want to stop focusing so hard on healing and growing and just live.

This and many other subjects related to Personal Growth and Development is what me and Zac discuss in this episode.

Zac is an Executive Coach who works with individuals and companies already operating at the top level and who still want to be even better. To learn more about Zac check out his website

The Importance of a Healthy Ego

When we think of an ego, it's often met with a negative connotation. However, as Coach Zac Gandara points out, the ego is there to protect and create safety while also forming an identity. Gandara describes how ego can be the motivating factor that leads to growth; Such growth that enables the ability to confront PTSD and other roadblocks that impact both our work life and personal life. Janine Hamner Holman collaborates with Zac to peel back the layers of this growth mindset practice.

GUEST: Zac Gandara | | IG @BoxBreakerLife

HOST: Janine Hamner Holman | | LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram

After Complete Renal Failure, this Former Megachurch Pastor Found Clarity During Dialysis

In this episode of the Major Pain podcast, Zac walks us through his incredible journey surviving renal failure and his subsequent kidney transplant. He explains how these experiences intertwined with his decision to leave his megachurch behind and find a new path. For almost 3 years he survived without kidney function while on dialysis, and it was during those long hours of forced stillness that Zac began to question his relationship to the church. The companionship of other dialysis patients showed him ways of life and reality outside his religious upbringing. But even while his religious faith was being shaken, the church community rallied behind him with several shockingly generous offers to donate a kidney…

If you have ever tried any of the Personal Development tools and strategies, after using them for a while, you may have discovered that they stop working. This is by design. You have to constantly update your tools as you evolve.

And at some point you will want to stop focusing so hard on healing and growing and just live.

This and many other subjects related to Personal Growth and Development is what me and Zac discuss in this episode.

Zac is an Executive Coach who works with individuals and companies already operating at the top level and who still want to be even better. To learn more about Zac check out his website