Data tells you the problem, creativity solves it.

Keynote Booking

“Entertaining, Engaging, Memorable, Transformative”

Keynote Speaker Endorsement

I have had the honor of witnessing Zac present in many different settings. Whether speaking to 3,000 leaders on a conference stage, hosting podcasts and radio interviews or facilitating small group masterminds. Zac not only has the rare ability to communicate effectively to individuals and large groups, he also inspires and draws the best out of his audience.

Taylor Hughes, Founder/CEO of WonderFull Entertainment, Los Angeles, CA

Zachary Pike Gandara | Professional Seasoned Keynote Speaker & Teacher

Zachary “Pike” Gandara is a highly influential, empathetic leader, and speaker. He is an engaging thought provoker, and host with over 20 years of experience. His intuitive ability to read a room, empathize with, and express the client’s desired culture with fun, quick wit makes everything he is a part of memorable for all.

He is a popular guest speaker, facilitator, and emcee for corporate organizations, including Salesforce, Amazon, Red Robin, and many more, as well as 100’s of nonprofits across the globe. Zac will partner with you to ensure your event is unforgettable!


“I’ve been speaking from platforms since I was 17 years old. Over three decades hosting theatrical, musical, visual media, and online corporate events that create trust, grow audiences, and build community. I thrive at growing meaningful connections with companies and audiences, producing high quality, high tech, and high touch creative talks, in person and through podcasts, video, and online media.

I look forward to working with you!”




  • CREATING HIGH PERFORMANCE FROM YOUR PAIN: Making your ego work for you, not against you. Moving fear, resistance, and unconscious bias out of your way.

  • HOW TO GROW & MAINTAIN YOUR MINDFULNESS AT WORK: Leadership is about influence not title. The one with the most influence in the room is the one who remains calm and emotionally regulated through it all.


  • INFLUENCE Vs LEADERSHIP: Leadership is about influence not title. Many titled individuals think they are leaders, when they’re only bosses.

  • LEADING UP: How to influence the style, approach, & decisions of those in positions above you.

  • EARNING TRUST: The most important ingredient of influence.

  • BUILDING A BETTER TEAM: True management is founded in care and empathy.

  • TEARING DOWN MAY BE NECESSARY FOR BUILDING UP: Making the big transitions and changes needed for growth.

  • CREATIVE LEADERSHIP AND WHY ITS IMPORTANT: Creating a safe place for ideas and healthy debate (disagree and commit) leading to powerful ownership.

  • MOVING FROM SURVIVING TO THRIVING: How to live in your power and peace no matter what the environment is around you.

book zac today