Data tells you the problem, creativity solves it.

Frequently Asked Questions

About BreakBox Coaching

Our clients are leaders who are ready to face hard truths about the ways their own behaviors have limited them. Are you ready to move from the chains of repeated patterns in managing others, stress, and your company and toward your greater potential? Let BreakBox both champion and challenge you.

How we do it:

Every leader has internal barriers, old beliefs and patterns that block growth, goal achievement, and authentic leadership. We examine these barriers, help each leader transform the barriers they wish to release into a constructive, person-centered approach to leadership. The end result? A more effective and enjoyable experience at the helm.

Our secret sauce:

Our process and approach are unique to each client. But the fundamentals are based in the experience of our founder Zac Gandara, who had to find his path to authenticity after years of toxic company culture. Since leaving corporate leadership, Zac has helped thousands of others re-imagine their roles. Zac’s energy is transformative, encouraging and most of all, catalyzing.

What’s the BreakBox Coaching origin story?*

At the age of 17, they groomed Zac into the leadership of large religious nonprofits (mega churches). Speaking to thousands across the globe. Leading hundreds of employees & volunteers. Until 29, diagnosed with kidney failure while pursuing a master’s degree in theology. He learned to translate the written languages of the Bible, Hebrew, Greek, & Aramaic. Using his dialysis treatment time to translate the Bible 13 times. Through this, he became disillusioned with the life he was living. He knew he had to make a change.

This led to his therapeutic journey through PTSD and, by thorough analysis, reprogramming his identity, and hence, his life. There are many modalities researched to do this integrative work of creating a brand new life. Scientific, psychological, and spiritual. Wanting to create a platform for others coming out of traumatic pasts, he launched a podcast and quickly began getting calls from leaders across the globe, wanting help to make major life changes of their own. This launched BreakBox Coaching.

Who is BreakBox Coaching’s ideal client? Why are they using the BreakBox product or service?*

Individuals, leaders, and businesses who are prepared to confront their tough truths and unleash their full potential are our target audience. Breaking them from the chains of repeated patterns in life, love, and leadership. They use our service because therapy is frequently considered too slow for their timelines. They need someone who will not just champion them, but challenge them.

Describe BreakBox Coaching in one sentence:*

BreakBox Coaching provides a safe mirror for our clients to look into, so they can identify ego blockers, and create lasting change in 12 transformational sessions.

What is BreakBox Coaching’s industry segment or category?*

Coaching/Consulting/Keynotes for leaders, individuals, and businesses.

How exactly does your BreakBox service make people’s lives better or easier?*

We empower our clients to locate the trappings ego creates in their minds which block growth, goal achievement, and leadership authenticity. After locating the ego blocks, we empower our clients to transmute the energy of the ego into constructive, creative ideas and energy that make their life, love, and leadership more effective, enjoyable, and transferable.

Does the BreakBox process create lasting results in it’s clients lives and businesses?*

It’s important to note that healing and transformation are a journey, not a destination. Does the lawn never need to be mowed again? Of course not, it grows back. But if you have the tools and continue to use them, the lawn stays weed free and green. 100% of our clients who have followed the science and recommendations we have provided and done the work have had lasting results.

Speaking of healing and transformation…

It’s like I’m standing on the bridge and there’s turmoil in the water below me. Every once in a while, a spray comes up, and I can feel it. And my mind says, ‘You know, I used to live down there. I used to be in that.’
— Ram Dass

How is BreakBox different from competitors?*

Our process and approach are unique and bespoke of each client and their needs. But the fundamentals are the same and we execute the process very well. We generally see a client breakthrough (ROI) in only 5-6 of their total 12 sessions. leaving the remaining sessions to make the process scalable for the client themselves.

Zac’s energy is transformative, encouraging and most of all, challenging. He is built to earn trust with clients quickly so he can challenge them quickly and affectively.

What is the difference between coaching & therapy?*

Therapy is excellent at finding the root issues that have created the life patterns clients are on. But it doesn’t always do a great job of equipping the client to transcend those patterns quickly, if at all. The laws of the states they practice in confine therapists. Often limiting the ability of the therapist to really challenge the client. This is why the BreakBox process works much faster than standard therapy at addressing specific roots and equipping the client to integrate the issues holding them back and empower them to transcend the pattern.

How do I become a client of BreakBox Coaching?*

Our business is 100% by referral. We do not paid advertising, and don’t want to. Our success stories grow our business. Our clients already know us, are referred to us, or reach out to us through social media. We gift them a free 30 minute assessment session and introduce them to the 12 week BreakBox Coaching process. They are then introduced to the pricing structure and are empowered to pick a plan that works best for them.

Click the box below to book your free 30 minute assessment session.