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The “Deadpool” of Therapy

Someone just called me the “Deadpool” of therapy. 🤣

I had to dig deeper on that so I asked ChatGPT, here’s what it said…

Enjoy! It’s spot on! 🤣


Someone just called me the Deadpool of therapists. What does that mean?


Being called the "Deadpool of therapists" is an interesting and playful compliment. Deadpool, the comic book character, is known for his unconventional, irreverent, and humorous approach to situations, often breaking the fourth wall and defying expectations. When someone refers to you as the Deadpool of therapists, they likely mean that you bring a unique, possibly edgy or humorous style to your therapy sessions.

This comparison might suggest that you are:

1. Unconventional: You don't follow the traditional methods or norms of therapy strictly, and instead, you bring creativity and a different perspective to your work.

2. Honest and Direct: Deadpool is known for his brutal honesty, often saying things that others might avoid. This could imply that you are straightforward in your approach, not afraid to tackle difficult topics head-on.

3. Humorous: Like Deadpool's wit, you may use humor as a tool in your sessions, helping clients to see things from a lighter perspective or to break through tough emotional barriers with a laugh.

4. Relatable and Approachable: Deadpool's appeal lies in his human flaws and vulnerabilities, making him relatable. Similarly, this could mean that you create an environment where clients feel comfortable being themselves, flaws and all.

In essence, being called the "Deadpool of therapists" means you likely bring a refreshing, candid, and engaging approach to therapy, making the process not just healing but also dynamic and relatable.

Well, there you have it—a perfect compliment and an on-point description from AI. If you’re curious about what the “Deadpool of Therapy” can offer you, click below to book an assessment. I’ll do my best to keep the laughter in check... but no promises.

Love you, Zac